Nail delay - jak na TOČENÍ DISKU NA NEHTU

05.01.2015 00:44

Nail delay je základním a nejdůležitějším trikem ve freestyle frisbee a je zkrátka potřeba ho pořádně ovládat. Tady je pár rad, které vám pomohou se nail delay naučit.


1)    V první řade je potřeba naučit se disk si správně nahodit. Talíř si musíte hodit tak, aby vylétl nad vaší hlavu, byl stále ve vodorovné poloze a hlavně aby měl pořádnou rotaci. Čím větší rotace, tím snadněji se vám nail delay bude učit. Jak takového nadhozu docílit se podívejte v následujícím videu. 

Zpočátku intenzivně trénujte tuto techniku nadhozu, dokud se nenaučíte disk nadhodit opravdu rovně a s co největším spinem. Jakmile si nadhoz vychytáte, pokračujte dále.

Poznámka: Pokud při roztáčení disku budete mít blíže k tělu vaší levou ruku, disk roztočíte takzvaně na clock (bude se točit po směru hodinových ručiček), pokud budete mít blíže pravou ruku, budete roztáčet na counter (tzn. proti směru hodinových ručiček). Jeden směr nadhozu pro vás bude lehčí a přirozenější, a stejně tak vám lépe půjde jedním směrem lépe balancovat disk na nehtu. Směr rotace vašeho přirozeného nadhozu a přirozeného točení bývá většinou stejný, ale nemusí tomu vždy tak být. Snažte se hned ze začátku vypozorovat, jaký je váš přirozený směr rotace (jestli clock nebo counter) a tomu přizpůsobte další postup. 

2)    Další věc, kterou je třeba vychytat, je čistý kontakt nehtu s diskem. Snažte se, abyste se disku nedotknuli bříškem prstu (jakmile se dotknete, disk ztratí hodně rotace a vy ztratíte kontrolu nad delayem), ale pouze nehtem. K tomu je nejlepší mít umělý nehet, ale zvládnete to bez problémů i bez něj. Stačí mít prst lehce ohnutý, aby disk na nehtu lépe seděl. A také je dobré nemít nehet, alespoň na ukazováku, čerstvě ostříhaný. Hned na začátku si určitě disk namažte silikonovým sprejem. Tím se znatelně sníží tření mezi diskem a nehtem, což učení nail delaye dost ulehčí.

3)      Poté, co vychytáte nadhoz a čistý kontakt nehtu s diskem, začněte trénovat samotný nail delay. Nahoďte disk nad hlavu, natáhněte ruku a ve chvíli, kdy začne talíř klesat, přiložte nehet ukazováku na střed disku. Prst i celou ruku mějte uvolněnou tak, aby se talíř po dopadu na váš nehet neodrazil nahoru. Jakmile máte disk na nehtu, ruku se snažte držet stále nad hlavou, abyste zespoda viděli střed talíře. Abyste udrželi prst ve středu disku, prstem i celou rukou dělejte krouživý pohyb ve směru rotace disku a snažte se stále přibližovat středu talíře (viz následující video). Zpočátku vám talíř na prstu bude sklouzávat do stran a může pomoci, když si při vyrovnávání popojdete nebo popoběhnete, pokud tedy máte dostatek místa.


4)      Trénujte každý den alespoň 15 minut a uvidíte, že vám to půjde den ode dne lépe. Talentovaní jedinci se nail delay dokáží naučit i méně než za týden, při pravidelném tréninku se však tento trik naučí prakticky každý do jednoho měsíce.

Jakmile zvládnete na jistotu ovládat nail delay s rukou nataženou nad hlavou, začněte postupně ruku s roztočeným diskem snižovat až do úrovně vašeho pasu. Bez sledování středu očima je balancování na nehtu znatelně těžší, nezapomeňte proto kroužit rukou ve směru rotace. Tento pohyb se vám po čase zcela zautomatizuje. Jakmile zvládnete delay bez problémů točit u pasu či níže, máte vyhráno. Teď teprve začne pořádná zábava, protože se vám otevře nespočet nových triků, pro které je nail delay nezbytným předpokladem.

Případné dotazy rádi zodopvíme v diskuzi pod článkem...

Tak hodně zdaru a trpělivosti při učení a hlavně dobrou zábavu!  

Na závěr ještě dvě videa, ve kterých uvidíte vše výše popsané pěkně v pohybu.



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What You Don't Know About Accessories Military Weapons 3d Models and Outstanding list of Animated Dogs 3D Models You Can Find in 2018

Josephskict 04.05.2018
<p>Like GrabCAD, 3dcgstore is a big 3D models repository that isn't specialized in 3D printing. Cubify is the site which goes with the Cube 3D printer created by 3D Systems. 3D is surely the upcoming incredible step in the growth of High-Definition Home Entertainment. </p>
<p> 3dcgstore lets you purchase your professional models. 3dcgstore is another fantastic place to purchase 3D models. Includes some completely free models and a few models for purchase. </p>
<p>Yeggi doesn't have any original content, but nevertheless, it can be convenient when you are in need of a comparison between marketplaces, to find a summary of the 3D models corresponding to what you are searching for. 3dcgstore provides new and remarkable 3D Models that can be perfectly utilized in advertising, architecture, the internet, film, games, or in another CG projects. If you're on the lookout for a complete 3D asset, it is going to cost between 40 and 50. </p>
<p>Models must be printed at Shapeways. See the whole End User License and Membership Agreement for more information.</p>
<p>3dcgstore is different than the databases we've looked at thus far. This is the largest free models repository. These websites provide an abundance of high-quality low and mid-poly 3D models offered for purchase. </p> <p>The company is also developing a voice-activated tool to permit customers to get goods online from midsize retailers using devices like Google Home. Still, you have to do active marketing to observe the dollars roll in. My company is called the famed Pixel, a favorite site developer in Kolkata. </p>
<p>It's a fact that there are a great deal of scam websites on the web. You will also meet excellent customers who will love your merchandise and may want to shout it from the rooftops. Paypal has been added as an extra option to utilize for purchasing.</p>
<p>Please be aware that while all of these sites make it possible for users to download some models at no cost, there could be a fee related to downloading certain models. Indeed, there are lots of marketplaces on the internet where you can get 3D models. Most marketplaces continue being conservative on this subject. </p> <p>You are going to be amazed at how involved you're become with your community and become familiar with the folks around you. There is a range of internet collaboration tools that provide a faster and much better approach to unify people working on the very same project from various locations and to deal with the data they need to exchange. Possibly the best medicine is to avoid disease before it begins. </p> <p>The fully responsive website enables buyers to see models in a browser-based 3D viewer, and enables users to access the website on mobile along with desktop devices. Some folks will likely say this phone is too small, while some will likely complain it is not big enough. Thus, it's a phone for all. </p>
<p>The tablet computer is intended to respond just to the pen device, and your hand won't have an effect on performance. Consistantly across the board, he sucks in terms of battery life. The devices could possibly be attached to a laptop or cell phone. </p> <p>Absolutely free designs are also offered. What's more, you may not have 3D designer abilities. Folks will be more vulnerable to obtain a model that has personality. </p>
<p>The designer produces a wonderful 3D print product. It's ideal if you're searching for a model to print or for ideas of objects you could 3D print. All prints are created at Shapeways. </p> <p>Designers become paid at the conclusion of monthly. In fact, lots of 3D modelers are ready to expand their freelancing work. </p>
<p>A craft business is the ideal chance to express your art just how you like it. Studios can likewise be created on your premises, in an attic or garage. BeLight Software Ltd. hasn't been connected to any one of these products for promotion, development, sale or any other similar small business relationship. </p> <p>A lot of additive processes are at present offered. You won't get lost when you're provided with the appropriate directions to the desired destination. Layer by Layer is apparently much more in phase with the present state of home 3D printing. </p> <p>While there are many such businesses that provide CBD oil online and far more only at a competent company are you going to locate quality products that supply you proper usage benefits. To create an internet store you just will need to sign up and make an account. A craft is an excellent method to produce a difference in the Earth, by creating products people are going to have an emotional connection to. </p>
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Josephskict 03.05.2018
<p>And we've elaborated several alternatives to convert imagesno more incompatibility troubles! Since the significant functions of the 2 products are absolutely similar, I have to select a relatively beautiful one to satisfy my visual demand. The majority of the models come at no cost, while some are offered at quite inexpensive rates. </p>
<p>Possessing a similar small business model as Shapeways, their marketplace is a good deal less crowded. Searching through 4KTV brands of the bigger sort took a mammoth quantity of time as it wasn't completely clear in how it listed all the TV's that came under the search criteria. Hemp products can be purchased in stores or on the web. </p> <p>A typical challenge faced by MEP design projects or MEP coordination projects is that they're managed by firms from other geographical locations and in certain instances the firms may work in various time zones. With all these possibilities, you may consider obtaining a 3D printer is an excellent investment. Software that enables you to draw your models in virtual space is comparatively affordable, but learning how to utilize it can take some time. </p>
<p>A craft business is the ideal chance to express your art just how you like it. Studios can likewise be created on your premises, in an attic or garage. BeLight Software Ltd. hasn't been connected to any one of these products for promotion, development, sale or any other similar small business relationship. </p> <p>You are going to be amazed at how involved you've become with your community and become familiar with the folks around you. OBJ format and offers a wonderful chance to people who need to share their works with the broad community of gamers from every corner of the planet. Possibly the best medicine is to avoid disease before it begins. </p> <p>A failure to defend the copyright of the 3D content creation may lead to serious problems. You won't get lost when you're provided with the appropriate directions to the desired destination. Toolbars will be more customizable and extra box select modes will accelerate editing. </p> <p>The caliber of the 3D models is quite great. The 3D printed gun appears to be quite popular on the site. All things considered, it provides a massive selection of 3D models. </p>
<p> 3dcgstore lets you purchase your professional models. 3dcgstore is another fantastic place to purchase 3D models. Includes some completely free models and a few models for purchase. </p>
<p>This tutorial can help you to understand a little about mapping procedures of both of these useful and highly effective 3d software. Once you get your 3D model's STL or OBJ files, you can go right ahead and upload them on the market. </p>
<p>So if you'd like to search the Google' of 3D models, this may be the suitable website for you. Our clients are professionals and they know precisely what they want, thus we have to build even higher variety than in different industries (if they desire a 3D model of a pineapple for their project, they will not purchase a 3D model of an apple). The platform is basically a repository of 3D models that have been made available to accelerate development processes in the aforementioned industries. </p>
<p>Thingiverse is most likely one of the largest and most well-known databases. It's possible to find there all of the 3D models of all the various marketplaces, it enables you to compare different databases. It aggregates 3D printing websites so it is possible to look for a file throughout multiple repositories simultaneously. </p> <p>The fully responsive website enables buyers to see models in a browser-based 3D viewer, and enables users to access the website on mobile along with desktop devices. The phone is the exact first rugged phone generated by the organization. Thus, it's a phone for all. </p>
<p>Possessing a big touch screen is ideal for watching videos but the processing power it requires to run these devices requires a great deal of energy. The Samsung 37 inch LCD TV also has a quality that reduces motion blur that's a frequent issue with HDTVs due to the fact that they display motion so fast. </p> <p>Absolutely free designs are also offered. What's more, you may not have 3D designer abilities. Folks will be more vulnerable to obtain a model that has personality. </p>
<p>It can be beneficial if you're not a skilled and that you would like to try out 3D design. It's ideal if you're searching for a model to print or for ideas of objects you could 3D print. All prints are created at Shapeways. </p> <p>With this much information that can be found on the web and competitor sites, there's every chance to formulate a fair small business program. 3dcgstore is playing an important role in reducing this cost along with empowering developers to make 3D applications much faster and better, states Yousif Mahmoud, CEO, and founder of 3dcgstore.rt
If you decide to sell in their MarketPlace, they supply free advertising options while additionally giving competitive industry prices. </p>
<p>But, Sculpteo also give an exemplary marketplace for designers to sell their goods. One of the simplest and most accessible strategies to get started earning money for a 3D modeler is to get started selling 3D stock models from an internet marketplace. What you need to know is these marketplaces each have their specific traffic and royalty prices. </p>
<p>Please be aware that while all of these sites make it possible for users to download some models at no cost, there could be a fee related to downloading certain models. Indeed, there are lots of marketplaces on the internet where you can get 3D models. Most marketplaces continue being conservative on this subject. </p>
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